
June 11, 2021

How to detect changes between two set of detections in QGIS?

QGIS screenshot

In QGIS 3.6:

1.Load your two GeoJSON

2. Check the box next to the first GeoJSON, into the Edit > Select Menu, Click Select All (Selected features should now be displayed in Yellow as in the screenshot below)

QGIS screenshot
3. Use the Vector > Research Tool > Select by Location tool to extract the differences.

 QGIS screenshot
4. You then have multiple options depending on the type of changes that you want to see (new objects, changes in shapes, missing objects, …). In the screenshot below we are looking for objects that are in output 2 but not in output 1

You should then see something like this

QGIS screenshot
5. You then just have to invert the selection to select only the new objects (Edit > Select > Invert Feature Selection). New objects should now appear in Yellow:

QGIS screenshot
6. The final step is to export this Selection into a new File. For this use Layer > Save As and check ‘Save only selected features’.

QGIS screenshot

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