
February 21, 2023

Introducing the new Picterra dashboard

Picterra dashboard

Manage your projects more effectively with the new Picterra dashboard. 

We aim to simplify the accessibility and management of all your projects and detectors while keeping everything you need just a click away.

Picterra Platform - Dashboard

The new dashboard has been designed to condense all the most relevant features in just one place; whether you need to quickly find your latest results, favorite detectors and projects, or monitor activities and mentions from colleagues. All of these and much more are now available.

We know how important it is for you to organize and quickly access the most relevant content for your project in seconds.

Picterra Platform - Dashboard

Read on to learn more about all the new features we have included in this latest release.

Favorite detectors and projects

You are now able to Favorite your Detectors and Project, and have them appear on the Favorite tab of your dashboard, for quick and easy access.

Recently trained detectors

Detectors trained recently are now listed directly in the dashboard, under the Detector Activities tab, providing a quick overview of the latest training actions performed.

This allows you to view detectors with the most recent training and check if any of your colleagues have recently worked on or developed any detectors.

Picterra dashboard - recent detectors

Recent detections

“Recent detections”, highlights objects detected during detector training.

In order to make the latest results more accessible, we have considered image, detector, and class to access detected results quickly. This list shows all the findings, organized by class, obtained by running a detector on an image.

Picterra dashboard - recent

Notifications: activities and mentions

While most users are already familiar with our notification center, we have now added it to the dashboard to provide a quick overview of all the latest activities performed on the platform. This also includes quicker access to all mentions received from colleagues.

Feature discoverability

In order to keep our customers always informed about the newest features, we have added a features discoverability section at the bottom of the page, including links to new and most popular functionality on the platform.


Take the new dashboard for a spin today by logging in to your account and let us know what you think!

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